Forsyth Presbyterian Church

Worship with Us

We worship weekly on Sundays.
Worship Time: 11:00am

Join us in person, in the sanctuary located at 63 N. Jackson St., Forsyth, GA, 31029,
or tele-presently, via YouTube.

“We believe worship is the most sacred calling of the Church, and the privilege and work of all God’s people. Our worship is interactive, with the congregation participating responsively in the prayers. 

We celebrate the sacrament of Communion weekly, and all worshipers are welcome to our Table, regardless of age, ability of understanding, or denominational affiliation.”

Preparing to Worship Online

Prepare Communion Elements

Our weekly worship includes the sacrament of communion. If you are worshiping with us online, you may participate in this sacrament with us by preparing your own communion elements: bread and wine/juice.

Remember, the bread should be something which represents a grain-based, essential part of your diet such as loaf bread, crackers, tortillas, rice cakes, etc. The wine should be something which represents a celebratory beverage such as wine or juice.

For the Psalm 104:14-15 tell us, God,
“You cause the grass to grow for the cattle,
and plants for people to use,
to bring forth food from the earth,
and wine to gladden the human heart,
oil to make the face shine,
and bread to strengthen the human heart.”

Place your bread on a plate and wine/juice in a cup and put them in your worship space.

Prepare some water

At the dawn of creation “a wind from God
swept over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)

God delivered the people of Israel by parting
the sea (Exodus 14:21-22) and guided them into the
promised land by parting the Jordan River (Joshua 315-17).

In the waters of baptism, we are buried with Christ
and we are also raised with him through faith in the power
of God, who raised Jesus from the dead. (Colossians 2:12)

To remind you of your own baptism and God’s promise to you and claim on you in that baptism, place a bowl or glass of water in the space where you will worship.

Prepare a candle

Remember Christ is the light of the world, and a candle, whether a tea light, votive, taper or pillar, will offer a focused point of light and warmth in your worship space.


Having gathered these items and placed them in the space where you will worship, take a moment to remember that God is with us wherever we worship, and blesses all the spaces which we set aside for this sacred purpose, before worshiping with us on YouTube.


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